About Me

“I believe God made women perfectly to grow and give birth to babies. He designed us and His way is the best way.”

Hi, I'm Lori!

I’m a Christian, a wife, a mom, a certified nurse-midwife, and a veteran.

I love working with mamas who love God and want to work with God’s design, not against it.

I have over 20 years of combined healthcare experience, with 18 of those years working with mamas and babies in all settings including hospital (labor & delivery, postpartum, nursery, and Neonatal ICU) and birth center.

I had all of my babies naturally — one at my midwife friend’s home, one at a birth center where I was working at the time, and one in my home. I went on to nurse them all for more than one year — and one of them I had to cut off when she turned 4! LOL!

All of that to say — I’ve been in your shoes and I want to help you realize the birth of your dreams doing things God’s way.

What Are They Saying?

Hi, I’m a new Doula in NC and wasn’t even looking today for podcast as I have so many other times but a birthing music playlist and found this podcast! WHAT A BLESSING!!! We do not have any other Christian doulas in my area (that I know of) and I KNOW the Lord put this in my path to help me! So thankful for your Obedience to teach this to Christian mothers and doulas! This is amazing! I am sharing on my IG and FB!
NC Doula
Apple Podcast
I have loved listening to this podcast as I prepare to give birth soon! I’m due with my second in October and have chosen a home birth with a midwife this time around due to a traumatic hospital birth with my first. I was just naive and listened to whatever my medical team said even though it didn’t feel right. I love how factual and spiritual these episodes are. I have especially loved the episodes about cord clamping and giving birth on your back. I also love how some of these are around 30 minutes so it doesn’t feel overwhelming to get through. I can’t wait to listen to more episodes!
Apple Podcast
I’m so happy I came across this podcast. I was searching for something else (can’t remember what) and saw the title of this podcast and gave it a try, and now I’m hooked. This is exactly what I was looking for whiteout even knowing I needed it. I’ve had many long car rides alone for work recently, and I’m filling them with listening to the wonderful information Lori has to share. My husband and I are hoping to start a family in the near future so I’m trying to learn as much as I can. I pray I can have a natural birth. Lori’s podcast has already taken so many of my fears away about pregnancy, birth, etc. Thank you Lori for sharing all that you can to the group of future Mamas out there listening to your podcast.
Lex O.
Apple Podcast
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